Patient Information

Texas Tech Family Medicine scheduling process
Texas Tech Family Medicine Center would like to improve service to our patients. Same day scheduling gives you the opportunity to have additional choices for your appointment needs. Now you can schedule a same day appointment with your preferred doctor or one of our other doctors, you may also continue to schedule your appointments for future dates.
Same-Day Appointments and Patient Care
To make an appointment, please contact a scheduling clerk at the phone number below:
The schedule clerk can assist you with:
- Scheduling same-day appointments
- Scheduling future appointments
- Canceling and rescheduling appointments
- Answering any questions regarding your appointments
Primary Care Provider (PCP)
We have many doctors to handle your health care needs. If you have not already done so, you will be asked to choose a primary care provider (PCP) as the doctor you will see most often for your medical care.
Your PCP is part of the TTUHSC El Paso Department of Family and Community Medicine dedicated to your health care needs. This doctor will be in clinic on certain days and may be available to see you on those days. Regardless, you will not have to wait several weeks to see your PCP if you call and schedule a same day appointment with any of our doctors in clinic.