TT HealthWatch

TT HealthWatch - Friday, May 3, 2024

This week's topics include Medicare negotiation on drugs and a loophole, neomycin for preventing respiratory viral infections, diagnostic error in mental health conditions, and use of two diabetes medications together and subsequent chronic disease risk.

0:45 Two of the newer medicines for diabetes taken together
1:40 Over 15,000 people
2:40 Seem to have so many global impacts
3:05 Medicare drug price negotiation loophole
4:05 Very impressive results
5:05 Federal appeals court ruling
6:05 Exempts from negotiations
6:23 Diagnostic error in mental health
7:23 Mistake a physical illness
8:25 Neomycin intranasally
9:25 Sars-CoV2 and influenza A
10:25 Reduced infection and transmission
11:20 Widely available and generic
12:24 End

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